The User Console component is designed to allow users (i.e. advisers, counselors, deans, etc.) to monitor their student lobby, sign students out and save visits. This component also allows users to perform certain administrative duties like run reports and maintain their list of department services.

The User Console is comprised of 3 separate windows: User Switchboard, My In-Box and the Student Lobby

User Switchboard

The User Switchboard is used to view every user that is currently logged into the system.  This switchboard will display every campus/department you have access to and then every user that is logged into those departments.  Each user is color coded to show their availability.

A Yellow folder indicates the user is currently with one or more students.

A Purple folder indicates the user is logged in as a Receptionist.

A Green folder represents a user that does not have a student in his or her office.  They are available.

 A Red folder indicates that the user is logged in but is unavailable.

My In-Box

The My In-Box window shows every student that has been assigned to a user within that department.  *Note* your current department will be listed at the top of this window in parenthesis.

Student Lobby

The Student Lobby window shows all students that are waiting to be seen by a user.  Students are automatically sorted by the Date/Time In column.